Javascript download for android
Javascript download for android

javascript download for android

If automatic collection is stopped, start this application to restart automatic collection. Therefore, if you use the task killer app, power saving app, power saving app, memory cleaner app, battery optimization, etc., automatic collection may stop. This application executes JavaScript in the background and collects information. Please use after debugging JavaScript with this application. Please use it after understanding "Example of JavaScript". We are not responsible for any troubles caused by this application. Please use this application at your own risk. Collection of Substitute Lessons for Central Sports Collection of Substitute Lessons for Megaros If a communication error occurs, such as when the radio wave condition is poor or when accessing a URL that does not exist, automatic collection is skipped. If an error such as "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property" occurs in getElementXxx(), the acquired value is invalidated and the loop processing is skipped. Even if you update the JavaScript file, it will not be reflected in this application due to the file access authority of Android OS, so please read it again from the settings of this application. To prevent garbled characters, we recommend creating JavaScript in UTF-8 format. It does not support JavaScript control statements (if, for, etc.) and variables. Multi-line JavaScript is not supported. Each information can be displayed up to the latest 50 items. Up to 5 types of information can be collected with this application. It is troublesome to check the information that is updated in an irregular stage periodically. If even just the title of the email can be collected automatically… It is troublesome to access the in house WEB regularly and check emails. JavaScript itself needs to be created by the user. It is an application that automatically executes JavaScript that collects information.

Javascript download for android